Saturday, April 7, 2018

Take a Walk in Our Shoes Poetry Challenge Day 7

Today's shoes belonged to someone very special, Fahris Elyse Wyand. She was a camper at my husband's camp and very dear to our hearts. She left the world way to soon, but she continues to shape our lives. Her ruby red shoes a symbol of her essence.

Ruby Red Hero
by Darlene Daley

Sweet little angel
with your ruby red shoes.
You danced into our hearts
and warmed our souls.
Never letting what was wrong,
get you down.
Your special kind of sunshine,
spread throughout the world.
Your glittery red shoes,
a symbol of your strength.
Your courage inspired.
Your smile brightened.
Your laugh contagious.
Even over the rainbow,
you continue to change the world.

1 comment:

  1. Darlene, what a beautiful poem and tribute. Thank you for sharing.
