Thursday, April 12, 2018

Take a Walk in Our Shoes Poetry Challenge Day 12

Today we gain inspiration from other poets sharing challenges. We examined their use of list poems, personification, descriptive language, rhyme, and rhythm. Students internalized what they learned to create their own poems about these slippers. There were so many great poems to select to share.

Goodnight Slippers
by Mac Stoyles

Love of leather
lace of light
can I wear you tonight?
Comfy, cozy
layers so soft
I will slide away into the dark.
Yawn like a lamb.
Snore like a lion.
Slowly I breathe
in and out.
Hugging my slippers
I dream of the worth
of the love of leather
and lace of light.

Slippers, Slippers
by Aubree Walton and Lily Collins

Slippers, slipper how relaxing.
You are comfy, cozy, soft, fluffy, warm and fuzzy.
You make me trudge, slide, slump and shuffle.
You are plain worn out, tattered, scuffed.
Covered in hair, but I still love you.
We will be best friends forever.
We will always stick together.

Lazy Saturday
by Eva Jackson

I slip on my slippers
 and start the day.
Go to the couch to snack.
Use my slippers to walk
as I shuffle around the house.
Lazy Saturday in my PJs.
After a while my slippers
go off for the night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. These poems are terrific!! Mac--I love how you used the circular style to repeat the first line at the end. Beautifully done! Aubree and Lily, I love your list of adjectives, then verbs! And you even added personification! Eva--my favorite word in your poem is "shuffle". Perfect word for a poem about slippers!!
